TEFL certification classes are 4 weeks, full time, Monday - Friday. Click on the links below to learn more about TEFL certification options in cities throughout North America. Click on each course selection to find out more on the location, tuition and housing information.

Students should expect a professional-level TEFL certification class to run from 9 am - 6 pm daily (5 days a week) with 10 -12 students in a class. Student teaching (practicum) is often completed in the evening hours with local ESL students. All TEFL certification classes are taught by experienced university-level professors and incorporate a minimum of 100 hours of academic coursework and at least 6 hours of observed student teaching with ESL students.
NOTE FOR ENROLLMENT: Before enrolling in any International TEFL Academy, it is imperative that you speak with an advisor. Please fill out a form or call010-63267701 to speak to an advisor who will answer your questions; review your employment prospects for teaching English abroad, and assist you with the enrollment process.